International Online Seminar held in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Indonesia

On 25th February 2021, an International Online Seminar was implemented by Indonesia’s Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) in collaboration with J.CLAIR Singapore, where both parties have concluded an MOU in 2019.

J.CLAIR Singapore coordinated the session entitled ‘Best Practices for Local Economic Recovery in Japan and Germany’, where representatives from Japan’s Yamaguchi Prefecture and Taito City presented their initiatives for local economic recovery during and after Covid-19.

The speaker from Yamaguchi Prefecture showcased the framework as well as progress of the ‘Resilient Business Support Project’, which is a rewards-based crowdfunding model that aims at achieving local economic revitalization.
On the other hand, the speaker from Taito City introduced several initiatives that were implemented to revive the local tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, including support for restaurant which offer takeout menus as well as tourism campaigns using Instagram.

Around 500 participants who are mainly local government officials in Indonesia took part in the session and there was a lively exchange of ideas between the speakers and participants.

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