【Kyoto City】Message from Kyoto to People All Over the World

Kyoto is rich in nature and has many shrines, temples, and cultural assets. There remain exquisite cultures and industries that have been developed over a thousand years, and you can see historical landscapes and Kyoto’s unique lifestyle rooted in the city. However, it is getting difficult for us to carry on passing down our traditions due to the changing global circumstances and the transition in lifestyles. Preserving what Kyoto has maintained is no longer possible by ourselves alone. 

The City of Kyoto hopes that the city’s historic accumulation, which have supported the development of cultures and industries in Japan, will continue to attract and inspire people in the world. We would like to invite you to our programs to preserve Kyoto and pass it down to next generations.


The following links show our initiatives, and the way donated funds are utilized. If you wish to support us, please make donations through the website.

Solicitation of Donations from Abroad


(Kyoto City Website)



We have also opened our page on Facebook and Medium to communicate the attractiveness and values of Kyoto. Check them to give us likes and follow us.






Currently, Kyoto City tackles to make the city resilient, responding to various crises such as pandemics and disasters, and promotes sustainable tourism that is safe, secure, and environmentally friendly. We will do our best to ensure that you will be able to feel the essence of our wonderful city when you come to Kyoto. Until your next visit, we hope that our warm interactions will continue. 


*Latest tourist information of Kyoto is available at the Kyoto City Official Travel Guide. 
