2021 marks the 55th anniversary of Singapore-Japan relations. To commemorate this special occasion, Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) and Singapore Tourism Board (STB) are jointly launching the ‘SJ55’ campaign. (https://japanbyjapan.com/SJ55)
Among them, ‘SJ55 Reimagine SNS Campaign’, a social networking campaign to create virtual interaction between residents of Japan and residents of Singapore, has just started! The event will be held from 12th July to 11th August in 2021. A variety of gifts from Singapore and Japan await the winners of the SNS photo campaign. Winners will be decided by a random draw. Please join it!
<Participation Method>
For Singapore Gallery
Please post your photos on Instagram. Don’t forget to always use the hashtag「#SJ55SG」and choose one of the category hashtags (「#foodie」「#explore」「#view」「#culture」「#fun」) that’s relevant to your photo.
For Japan Gallery
Please post your photos on Instagram. Always include the hashtag「#SJ55JP」and 「#prefecture’s name (the prefecture each photo was taken at)」 to your photo.
*You can also submit photos that you have taken in the past.
For more details, please check out the campaign site. (https://japanbyjapan.com/SJ55-campaign-en)